Sunday 15 September 2013

The hunt continues

There is something located in this city that I need to find, I don't know exactly where it is but I have a few leads that I have to follow. I no longer work alone but for their safety I can't yet tell you who exactly I'm working with but I can tell you that teamwork makes everything easier.

I've also discovered that there are certain individuals who have powers beyond that of a normal person, I am one of them. I won't explain the full extent of my powers (not that I know the full extent) because that would be just plain stupid of me but I can tell you that my powers involve electicity.

The aurora changed everything for me, it taught me that SM is not all powerfull and that sometimes being in the right place at the right time can change everything. Now I'm off to Chinatown to see if any of my leads pay off.

Good luck and stay safe,

Sunday 18 August 2013

Well time for the truth

So I finally have access to the internet again and I feel as if I should tell you all the truth. I finally made it back to montreal after my trip up north. How far up north? Well I saw polar bears up there. 

You might have noticed that I deleted my "newer" post, that's because there wasn't a grain of truth in them... I had a theory that if I wrote about a "perfect" fear and slender free life it might come true. I was very wrong...

At least not all my theories were wrong, I assumed (don't ask why, I can't tell you) that Slenderman would be weaker in the presence of the aurora borealis. I'll explain the full details of what I discovered soon but for now just know that we can make that monster bleed and if something bleeds, it can also be killed. 

I have plans to go back north but I can't leave until I take care of some unfinished business. This time I am not going to back down, this time I will be prepared, this time I make them pay for everything they've done.

Good luck and stay safe,

Monday 7 January 2013

Alone again

Well i'm alone and shit has as they say gotten real. Why does shit always have to get real? I have to go now but I promise I'll update soon so you all know why I've dropped off the grid again.

Good luck and stay safe,

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Never ask "can this get any worse?"

So once again shit got fucked up. This seems to be a trend in my life, shit just goes from bad to worse and this time I even had the audacity to ask that cursed question... I actually said "can this get any worse?" Why would I think that would be a good idea? Guess I should have spent more time on tvtropes...

So anyway I should probably explain why I would even have a reason to say that. It was a day like any other (by that I mean it was a shit day), I was wandering around the neighbourhood where I grew up. I had no plan or anything I was just wandering while lamenting about the many things I've lost since this all started. By that I don't mean material items but more my old life. I went to school, I had a part time job, a girlfriend and more friends than I knew what to do with. I would spend my free time playing video games or going out with my friends then I would come home to my girlfriend for some quality time. It was a normal mundane life but it was my life and I liked it...

Anyway enough emo bullshit, so ya I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that I was near this forest in that area, I noticed that at about the same time that I noticed that 2 guys were following me. I started to walk away from the forest when I noticed 3 men in black robes walking towards me, now I'm starting to panic and run in the only direction left when I saw 2 more men in black robes running at me. I'm surounded on 3 sides now with only a forest in front of me, I realized their trap but I knew I wouldn't be able to fight off all 7 without being seriously injured so I did the one thing I could and ran into the forest.

I never want to go into a fucking forest but I chose the unknown danger over the present danger, that might have been a bad choice... So as I ran it started raining, this was when I said those stupid fucking words. Let me tell you, it got worse. I no longer heard the normal sounds of a forest and I no longer saw those pricks who were chasing me, this is when I knew I was fucked.

I started running but of course I had to trip on a fucking root, when I opened my eyes I wasn't alone. I saw Slenderdouche himself but there was someone else there, he was dressed in all green, he had a pendant on his neck that would give off a green glow at times, this glow would also come out of his hands and the 2 knives he had in his hands. I thought we were fucked but he seemed to actually be able to fight off slenderman.

He told me to run and after 15 minutes he just walked out of the forest like nothing had happened. I need sleep for tomorrow so I'll tell you the rest tomorrow.

Good luck and stay safe,

Thursday 15 November 2012

Fuck this shit

So I've been kind of out of it for a bit but some hard thinking and a hospital visit (more on that after) later and I've come to the conclusion that it's about time I man the fuck up. Yes I'm still a scumbag douchebag, yes I am a murderer, yes I have made mistakes in the past, no I can't change what I've done but I can try.

I've killed two proxies since the last time I posted here. I'm well aware that this isn't going to make even a small dent on the debt that I owe but it's a start. I never wanted all this and I made a deal with the devil to protect those I love but at the same time I made sure they would never have a way to contact me so I'm not even sure if they're still alive or where they are right now...

My life no longer has any value past what I can do to make things right, this doesn't mean I'm going to kill myself but my safety will no longer really be a priority for me. If I can save at least one life then I can die happy.

As I said before I was in the hospital for a bit, getting stabbed hurts alot more than I remember. Luckily it was a shallow cut and everything was able to start healing fine but still at times like this it makes me glad to have a friend who works in the hospital. Anyway this is all for now so I'm out.

Good luck and stay safe,

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Here's why I'm an asshole

Well I always was good at solving logic puzzles, too bad I can't solve the puzzle that's right in front of me... Black Rose, please be alright and I'm sorry I ran off without saying anything but trust me it's for the best.

Anyway prepare yourselves for a fairly long post. You might remember that hallway that I saw in my dream, well I do because it was a hallway in the basement in a place I used to work at. Nobody ever goes in there (I used to go there when I needed time to myself at work).

So I went down there not knowing exactly what I would what I would find, I was kind of surprised to say the least. I found a note in the place where I would stash "things" I might need to relax (mostly rum). It was kind of a letdown until I started reading it...

It seems that the amnesia was planned (not sure how I did it but I do know why I did it), it seems that I am a traitorous scumbag.

As you know I found out about Him from a friend, at first it all seemed like a big joke to me, right until my friends started to vanish or die one by one, then it really hit me when my brother was attacked, he survived but I knew I had to do something.

So I went into this forest near my house and I kept walking until I felt his presence around me. I begged him to take me and spare my family, I then felt more than heard the words in my head. I don't remember exactly (although my memory is starting to come back to me) what was said to me and it wasn't written down but... Well I more or less made a deal with the fucking devil.

He told me where I would find "enemies" of his and you can guess what I had to do... For those who can't guess well I fucking murdered them. I did this until I found places outside of Canada for them to hide.

After this I did something to make me lose my memory and here I am now. Judge me as you will, I know I hate myself so I don't see why everyone else would be different.

Why should I have picked who lived and who died? Who am I to decide all of that? Why didn't He just do the world a favour and kill me? I'm so sorry everyone, bye.

Also I forgot to mention this but at the bottom of the page it said: Don't give in to the rage! I'm not sure what I meant but oh well.

I feel like a dick saying this in light of what I found out but:
Good luck and stay safe,

Monday 15 October 2012

Still fighting

Let me just start by apologizing to Black Rose, I'm sorry I ran off but trust me it's for your own good. I'm still here despite old Slenderfuck trying to off me, you hear that you fuckbag? I'm still fucking here. I'm back in my hometown, it wasn't as easy to get here as it was to get to Toronto, probably since I had no inter-dementional portals to travel through. I've been on my own for a while now but that doesn't mean that They've been kind enough to leave me alone, I've learned that I will do whatever it takes to keep me alive... During my time off I have discovered some disturbing truths about my past, I will let you all in on what I've discovered but at the moment I really do NOT want to admit but trust me, I will let you all know the truth. Anyway now I need a smoke so I'm out.

Good luck and stay safe,