Monday 6 August 2012

I won't back down

Well I'm glad my little pity party is over, so I was feeling down but talking to you guys helped me get over that little incident. I'm not gonna let that faceless bastard win against me, I will not be broken, I will fight until my last dying breath. I'd like to write more about this but I have to move again, thank you to Zeke for getting me started on this and thanks to Black Rose and Maze for keeping me from losing all hope.
Good luck and stay safe,


  1. No problemo :) In a situation like this, hope is the most important thing to have.

  2. Damn right you're not gonna let him win. But if possible, try not to come into contact with him either. The only reason Abel and I don't get sick in the Fears' presence(s) is because each of us spent several years serving under a Fear.

  3. Sarah here: Yeah that's the spirit! Old Slim and Grim only wins when you let him get you down.

  4. @Black Rose: Ya I've always had a slight problem with depression so thanks for stopping it in tracks before it got out of hand.

    @Phobos: I try to avoid them when possible but slender encounters have a way of just happening.

    @Sarah: Agreed, plus Slim and Grim has to be one of the best names we have for him.

    1. Hey, if you ever need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, don't hesitate to ask :D

  5. The Excercise Enthusiast shall go down in flames!

  6. It isn't anything you need thank me for. Just remember, comfort and comedy is possibly the best defense we have. Share it and don't be afraid to ask for it.
